Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Friday, October 12, 2007

October Birthday Bananza

It's the three birthday bonanza in our immediate family and then add 4 more from the extended family all in one week! Monday was Lincoln's, Tuesday was Breanna's and Anthony's, Wednesday was Kyle's and Cheryl's, Thursday was mine, and next Tuesday is Lindsey's. Quite a lot all in a bunch! Kyle and Amber came up last weekend and Amber couldn't wait for us to open the gifts. She and Kyle (and Matt) got me the table cloth, table runner, leaf dish, and matching salt and pepper shakers/grinder as well as matching dish towels. It goes perfect with my new colors in my kitchen and dining room! Bob and Breanna got me two dangling earring sets from Kohl's, one clear crystal, and one pink. Breanna got a necklace and a couple DVD's from Amber and Kyle (and Matt) and got a new cell phone from us. Amber got Kyle a book and we ordered him a book and a surprise from Amazon that won't come in until November. Shh! Don't tell him!

Bob surprised me by sending me flowers on my birthday to my office. It was so pretty yellow and pink flowers with one yellow rose in the center (see picture below). The card said, "Marla, you are my hidden treasure that stands out among the others. Your happiness is my greatest joy. Love you, Baby Cakes." He was like a school boy getting the flowers delivered. The same woman who helped him get the order done came and delivered them. She was kind of giddy as she said, "These are for you!" I actually blushed when I read the card. I was glad no one was around me when they came!

Bob took me and Breanna out to South Side Soda Shop for supper on my birthday, too. Jezra sent me a birthday greeting on a video from Utube by Adam Sandler. Also, I spent my lunch hour with Mom. Jenny called when I was there to wish me happy birthday. Brina was at Jenny's. Later that evening, Brina called me and wished me a happy birthday, too. Amber called me when I wasn't home and a classmate of mine sang happy birthday in German over the answering machine. It was truly a special day for me.

It was weird for Kyle not to be home on his birthday. Long distance celebrating isn't as fun!

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