Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

First week at a new job

I know I'm going to enjoy my job. I'm getting used to getting up a little early. I enjoy most of what I have to do. I learned a lot. Some of what I did was orientation by watching a computer screen power point and then answering questions. One training was on the computer data program they use and one was to familiarize myself with MMA, their history, their mission, and what they do.

On Wednesday, I could feel myself coming down with a cold. By Thursday, I was dripping sinuses and coughing and sneezing all day. I found out I had a slight fever when I got home. I felt pretty miserable but knew I couldn't take off work on my first week on the job! Bob prayed for me that evening before I fell asleep and I slept well and didn't feel bad in the morning. I did cough a lot (I took a cough drop every 15 minutes because without one, I would cough and cough) but I didn't have a headache or fever.

The nice thing was the boss and another financial counselor had a business meeting in Canada so they weren't there Wed through Fri. That meant I didn't have many calls to answer or people to come in for appointments. (We only have three counselors that work out of this office including the boss.) This also meant I could learn the other parts of my job like the accounts payable without many interruptions.

On Wednesday, I received a letter saying I was summoned for jury duty on September 25. The nice thing is that MMA pays you your full salary while you serve and doesn't use your vacation days for it. That's nice because I won't be able to use my vacation days for 6 months. I told my supervisor and she said to send an email to all the staff letting them know. I will find out on the 24th if the case is still up for trial or if it's canceled. This is my fourth or fifth summons in 15 years! Bob was up for jury all year last year and didn't get summoned once. He's never been summoned before! I guess I don't care one way or the other if I have to serve or not.

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