Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Monday, June 04, 2007

A Celebration for Jezra

Jezra's "propaganda table." When people would come in, Jezra told them they needed to sign in on the poster board that we had on a table. He said they needed to at least sign their name and they could write something if they wanted to. He said they could say whatever they wanted without repercussions--they could write the truth if they wanted. Then he pointed to his "propaganda table" they could look at if they wanted. Everyone laughed about that. Jezra was a great host!

Our first guest was Jezra's friend Michelle. She will major in physics at college. Her card (below) said she wasn't good at sentimental stuff so she'll just use what she's good at; math, physics and some chemistry. Each bullet was the beginning of a new word and the letters of one word were added together. When he solved them, it spelled a message: "Thanks for being my best friend." It was a wonderful way to say it, I think!

Amber and Jezra goofing off.

Karli and Karen signing the poster board.

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