Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Monday, September 25, 2006


Today it's not letting me upload pictures and they were just going to be pictures of our dog because I hadn't taken many pictures lately so I'm sparing you much boredom. (You can thank me later.)

We have an extra person in our household for a few weeks. It's the person we had here for one and a half years. It's only temporary. It's been nice to have him back. It feels like he belongs here in our family.

Bob and I did a sermon on September 10 on Christlikeness. Bob did the introduction and that closing and I did the teaching. It went along with our class we've been taking. For the first time, I felt very relaxed and not nervous at all once I got started. It was actually fun. I could feel the audience with me.

On September 9, ten of us went on a bike ride in the town Amber lives in. My parents went along and all our family except for Jez plus Breanna's friend Matt, Bob's brother Ron, and Amber and Matt. We ended up riding for 28 miles when it was all over. We took an hour lunch break at a reservior. The food mom and I had prepared tasted so good after riding for I think 15 or 20 miles by that time. We were all ready to stop but we all had so much fun. We're ready to do it again. Someone suggest South Haven Michigan. Anyone want to go with us?

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