Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Monday, January 30, 2006

More about his time in New Orleans

There were 7 men and 4 women from our church who went to New Orleans last week. They left at 5 a.m. Sunday morning and returned home Saturday at 1 p.m. They stayed in a church in a bad part of New Orleans. The first floor of the church had been completely under water. There were two other crews there to work. They all slept on the second floor that was pretty much undamaged. The other crews worked on the main floor putting in a drop ceiling and doing trim work. Bob's crew worked on the pastor's roof until Wednesday or Thursday and then split up and did other jobs. Bob helped put a new floor in the pastor's father's church. He's 81 years old and has quite a story.

There were 29 people sleeping on cots in a small area. The women all slept in a 10x10 room. The four of them had very little space in that room. There were two toilets (a women's and men's) and one shower for all of them. They had to wait in line for a 2-minute limit in the shower! They always had hot water but had to have the water turned all the way to hot to get it!

I'll let Bob tell you more. You can always call and ask him to tell you about the trip. He loves to talk about it!

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