Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Friday, August 05, 2005

A busy week!

This week at church we will have a funeral today and a wedding tomorrow! It was a bit hectic in the office. The viewing was held at the church (a first for Tri Lakes Community Church, I think) so while I was working yesterday, the funeral crew brought the body in the casket around 9:30 a.m. and the family came around 12:30 or 1. The viewing began at 2. (It was Bob Miller and he had had a series of strokes over the last year. He died just after his wife put him to bed for the night with another stroke. He was 71 years old and an old friend of my husband's. They were neighbors to them before the tornado destroyed their house.)

I had to do the program for the funeral today and for the wedding tomorrow evening. Today I help with the funeral dinner. After the funeral, we go to a friend's house for an evening at the lake. Should be fun!

I'm glad you all enjoyed the photos of the Brenneman reunion. I'd love to begin (maybe next summer) a Merle Graybill family reunion. What do you think?

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