Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Happy Thanksgiving (but few pictures)

This is all the pictures I took on Thanksgiving Day. I was too busy getting the meal on the table and cleaning up afterwards (with lots of help from all the women there). We had Dustin's mom and siblings as well as relatives from both sides of the family--22 people all together. It was a good day.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A joke on Breanna and Matt

On the way home in Kyle's "new" car from a Christmas gathering of Bob's mother's family (a two hour drive), Breanna was talking on Bob's cell phone to her boyfriend, Matt. I called Matt's number on my cell phone from the back seat knowing he has call-waiting. I heard Breanna say, "Okay." I heard Matt say, "Hello," in my cell phone. I said, "Hi, Matt!" and Breanna turned around as she realized who had interrupted her phone call. I was laughing so hard that Matt didn't know who it was on the line at first. We all had a good laugh over that one. It was so fun!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Funny thing happened at church!

Our pastor was talking about being obedient to God even when others are telling us to do something else. He turned to a young man in the congregation and said, "Joe, you don't have to listen to Marla" as an example of this. Bob said loud enough for everyone to hear, "Amen!" You can imagine how much laughter went through the congregation as I hit Bob on the chest!

The ironic thing about the whole situation was that before church I had invited Joe to come to our small group on Wednesday evenings. I told him to pray about it and that he was welcome to join us. Imagine my surprise when the pastor used Joe and me for his illustration! I told Joe afterward that I hadn't told the pastor that we talked. Maybe God was trying to tell him something!

What a fun morning!

Teaching the last of our kids to drive

It's been scary a couple of times but we are teaching Breanna to drive (from scratch). She didn't take any driver's training because it is so expensive and I found out it doesn't change the insurance at all. I let her drive home from the license branch after I drove out of the busy part of town.

The next time she drove, she was to make a right turn. There was a car sitting in the other lane on the road she was turning onto. She took the turn way too fast and didn't turn the wheel far enough. She came really close to hitting the car sitting there. It was an older couple and you should have seen their eyes as this car was coming closer and closer to them! Both Bob and I were screaming and Bob yanked the wheel to make the sharper turn and we missed them.

The next time she drove home from church on a dark rainy night. I was nervous the whole time. When we got home, Bob wanted to take her for a drive around the area and I asked to get out. I had such a hard time not saying anything in the back seat! Jezra was beside me and he and I were looking at each other and whispering what we wanted to say to her aloud! Jezra said, "Now I understand why you were so nervous when I was driving! It's hard not to say anything!" (One of the pleasures of parenting: hearing your child tell you they understand you!)

Breanna's doing much better. I can relax for the most part while she's driving. She still has a bit of trouble negotiating right turns for some reason but she's getting better. I'm so glad this is the last one we have to train. I don't think I could handle another one! I would have totally white hair like Grandma F!