Jude 24 (NLT)

And now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from stumbling, and who will bring me into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Back to School

This is an article I wrote in our church newsletter telling about the In Christ Image Training we took online. I would encourage anyone to take the course. Go to www.frangipane.org and click on the ICIT button.

Bob and I went “back to school” six months ago. We enrolled in the In Christ’s Image Training course online taught by Francis Frangipane. We had two chapters to read and two audio sermons to listen to each week. At the end of each chapter there was a practice test with two essays and eight multiple choice questions for us to complete. At the end of each lesson, we had a real test to send in online and have it graded. The tests showed how much I could retain from what I read but the real learning took place in everyday life.

The first six weeks were about Christlikeness and having the unoffendable nature of Christ. Situations came up where I could have easily been offended instead of becoming like Jesus. I had to choose not to take up the offense but to forgive, and pray the mercy prayer in each situation. The mercy prayer is saying, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” I had to let them off my “hook” and not hold them responsible for the hurt they caused me. At the same time, I needed to show Christ’s love to those who hurt me and pray for God’s mercy in their lives. As each situation came, the things I learned came to mind. I know God put each situation in my life as a test. Would I respond like Christ or would I become offended and angry?

The next six weeks were about humility. I had to look at my motives for what I do. Am I doing things for God’s glory or for man’s? Do I try to please others or am I trying to please God? It was humiliating for me to really see myself as I am and find that I have a lot of pride. Pride is the greatest enemy we have. Francis likes to ask people, “Do you know the name of the most powerful spirit opposing most Christians?” It is Yahweh. God opposes the proud. (See James 4:6.) When we have pride, the Spirit that stands to resist our endeavors is not demonic, it’s God.

Francis taught us that the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) are progressive. We need to become poor in spirit, be mournful about how poor we really are, and become meek before we can truly hunger and thirst for righteousness. If we know how poor we are without Christ, we will be at the place where God can use us. When we think we are “something” then God won’t let us be “anything!” If we have pride, God will bring situations into our lives where we will become humble. He has a way of breaking our pride and allowing us to come to the place where we know that we can’t accomplish anything of value without Him. I want to be able to let God have the glory for all I do.

The third lesson was about prayer. I learned that God is looking for people who will see situations as opportunities to pray instead of a time to be critical. Why did God tell Abraham what He was going to do with Sodom and Gomorrah? He wanted Abraham to ask for mercy for the people. Abraham didn’t look at Sodom and say, “God, it’s about time you killed the perverts!” He wasn’t angry. He asked God for mercy. A quote from the manual, “God works with man to establish the future and, in the process of determining reality, He always prepares a merciful alternative. Urgent, merciful, redemptive prayer shoots right through the mercy door and enters God’s heart.”

In Psalm 53:2 it says, “God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there is anyone who understands, who seeks after God.” I want to be the one who understands what God is doing in any given situation and to seek God in and through it. Lord, help me to see through your eyes and to pray Your word and Your will in every situation. “While humility opens our eyes to perceive our need, prayer enables us to appropriate God’s answer. Redemptive intercession, allied with divine intervention, can transform the world around us.”

The final lesson was about unity. Unity is vital in the body of Christ. In Psalm 133 it tells us that where brethren dwell together in unity, God commands His eternal blessing. In the book of Acts (1:14 NKJV), the disciples were “with one accord” and then the power of the Holy Spirit came (Acts 2:1). Unity precedes power. If we want the power of the Holy Spirit, we must work for unity. We must be unified in our warfare and fight as “one man” for our cities and our nation. “Whenever we pray against the spiritual forces of wickedness over a region, our first line of offense is praying for churches to be united in their worship and their warfare. It takes a citywide church to win the citywide war.”

I would encourage anyone to take this course. Bob and I will be certified to facilitate a group by the first of the year. It is more cost effective to take it this way than individually online like we did. The Lord willing, we hope to begin a group in our home in 2007.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Firecracker Dog!

Our dog Cinnamon went completely nuts when Kyle's friends came and set off Fireworks on the 4th. If we hadn't tied her up, she would have gotten burned or something. She would come and try and catch the fireworks as they blasted and flew in the air. We laughed so hard. We had never seen anything like it. She is usually very scared but she would go up and bark at the burning fire and try and catch it when it came down from the sky. The Roman candles were the funniest because she would bark and try and chase one and then another would come out so she was back and forth over and over. It was truly a blast!

Face Painting

Breanna and I face painted at a festival in a nearby town. We had a blast together for Thursday and Friday evening. We took turns painting faces and giving the kids face tattoos. We probably each painted 50 faces, arms or hands. I did the Chicago bulls one. It looks kinda like it, right?